Dilraj Singh

Dilraj Singh

(9 reviews)
For every 15 mins
Software Developer Engineer - Amazon
Software Developer Engineer - Amazon

I work as a Software developer engineer at Amazon. I'm part of a platform team and we design and build complex big data solutions for our clients. I have experience working with open source big data solutions like Spark, Hive, Presto, and with AWS managed services like AWS EMR, AWS Lambda, AWS Glue, AWS EC2 and many more from AWS ecosystem.

Hindi, English
Pacific Time (US & Canada) (-07:00)
Joined August 2020
4 years experience | 2 endorsements
5 years experience
2 years experience
2 years experience
2 years experience
2 years experience
4 years experience


(9 reviews)
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
October 2023
I was given the troubleshooting methodology for stack creation failures. Specifically how to address issues with creating an Application Load Balancer as part of a nested stack using input parameters for the VPC and subnets. The underlying cause was identified when subnet parameters were not part of the VPC parameter. Once this was corrected all resources were successfully created.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
October 2023
Modified a cloudformation template to use a region-specific EC2 AMI-ID and uploaded the template into an S3 bucket. Then created a running EC2 instance based on a created stack based on the template.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
October 2023
Today's session focused on creating a Docker container with a Dockerfile and storing the image in ECR. Because the AWS console had changed making the lab out of date we first tried a Fargate Launch Type but decided to adhere closer to the lab's original purpose and recreated the ECS cluster using an EC2 Launch Type which was successful. This was an excellent learning experience because we changed directions after encountering an obstacle and examined our options before selecting a good path to proceed.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
October 2023
Today's session focused on creating a Docker container with a Dockerfile and storing the image in ECR. Because the AWS console had changed making the lab out of date we first tried a Fargate Launch Type but decided to adhere closer to the lab's original purpose and recreated the ECS cluster using an EC2 Launch Type which was successful. This was an excellent learning experience because we changed directions after encountering an obstacle and examined our options before selecting a good path to proceed. High marks to Dilraj.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
September 2023
Dilraj helped me navigate a hands-on lab involving blue/green deployment of code changes using the AWS Elastic Beanstalk service. This introduced me to the real-world experience of dealing with substantial changes to the AWS console and still successfully completing this task.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
August 2023
This evening I learned the subtle difference between a role and an IAM instance profile in AWS. This was part of an online lab covering the creation and exercising of a Application Load Balancer using AWS CLI commands. Dilraj helped me understand this important concept which will create a foundation to complete the remainder of some very challenging hands-on AWS labs.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
August 2023
We took a hands-on lab exercise for lambda and moved it from the training platform sandbox to my private AWS account environment. This was done to better simulate real-world conditions requiring further developing my troubleshooting skills. Increasing my troubleshooting skills was successful as we encountered a runtime issue with the lambda code. The solution was to add permission policies allowing the lambda function to write metrics to Cloudwatch and access Cloudwatch logs and investigate the error messages found.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
August 2023
Dilraj greatly helped me to understand that services like the Elastic Load Balancer exist under their own account IDs. By referring me to AWS documentation I was able to understand that that there are several more improved ways of enabling ELB Access Logs to be stored in a S3 bucket. This was a very important lesson in IAM to learn that has broad applications which Dilraj helped me understand.
Toussaint Alexander
Toussaint Alexander
June 2023
Dilraj assisted me with the complex task of restoring the VPC environment in my AWS free-tier account so I could continue my lab exercise training. He used is expert knowledge of AWS to explain the dependencies between AWS resources and understanding the power of using AWS CLI commands when faced with limitations with the AWS Console. Overall I rate Dilraj very highly and hope to use his services while I train to earn my AWS Developer Association certification.
September 2022
well explained
Stack Overflow
101 Reputation
Software Developer Engineer
I work as a Software developer engineer at Amazon. I'm part of a platform team and we design and build complex big data solutions for our...
I work as a Software developer engineer at Amazon. I'm part of a platform team and we design and build complex big data solutions for our clients. I have experience working with open source big data solutions like Spark, Hive, Presto, and with AWS managed services like AWS EMR, AWS Lambda, AWS Glue, AWS EC2 and many more from AWS ecosystem.
Apache Spark
Apache Hive
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Apache Spark
Apache Hive
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