Hi, my name is Tomáš! You can try to pronounce my name (Tomaash) but I usually go with the English Thomas. I love making iOS apps and I knew I want to do it for living as soon as I bought my first iPhone. That was a long time ago and now I have almost 5 years of professional experience. During my time I coded many apps that are successfuly published in AppStore. I have also lead a small team of iOS Developers and mentored the junior members. I have talked on various events (mDevCamp, mDevTalk) about testing and benefits of a clean code.
Currently, I do the best in:
★ iOS
☆ Swift 5 (Advanced swift knowledge)
☆ Objective-C
☆ All things reactive - ReactiveSwift, RxSwift, ReactiveCocoa
☆ fastlane 🚀
☆ Clean code, system architecture and testing
☆ XCTest, Quick, Nimble
☆ Build automation
☆ Provisioning
☆ Autolayout
☆ Firebase
☆ CoreData, Realm
☆ Performance, Memory management
★ React Native
☆ Hybrid applications
☆ Native bridging
★ Git
☆ Basic git usage
☆ Hosting services (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc)
☆ Best practices for working in teams (pull request, feature branches, etc..)
★ Javascript
☆ ReactJS
☆ Redux, Router, ...
☆ Bootstrap
☆ Quick CSS fixes
☆ Web scraping
☆ Nette framework
☆ Magento
☆ Wordpress
☆ APIs in php
★ Code Review
☆ Code review for Swift and Objective-C
☆ Best practices and architecture tips
★ Computer Vision
☆ Using OpenCV
☆ All kinds of recognition
My strongest suite is iOS but I have also a long term experience in Web Development and I keep an eye on new trends making sure I never fall behind. I am very good at solving problems and I enjoy helping people out.
Few extra things so you get to know me better:
★ I love travelling and spent the last year going through most of the countries in South America
★ Once upon a time I wrote a joke programming language that went viral
★ I care about the rights and well-being of unicorns (http://whostolemyunicorn.com/)
★ I've visited 42 countries so far