My name is Ken McGrady, and I live in Seattle, Washington. I am a software engineer turned instructor currently working at Instructure as a Senior Software Engieer. I have taught a Web Development Immersive from Galvanize as well as worked at companies like Moz, Hulu, Pixar, and Intuit. Feel free to have a look at my resume to see my education and experience.
Programming Languages: JavaScript (ES5/6), CoffeeScript, Python, Java, Ruby, Objective-C, C Platforms/Frameworks: Node.js, React, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Django, CherryPy, Cocoa Touch
Software: Git, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RethinkDB
Mobile Apps: Discover Northeastern (iOS, 2009), TurboTax SnapTax (iOS, 2010)