Pankesh Patel

Pankesh Patel

Rising Codementor
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Passionate and Experienced code mentor committed to empowering individuals by providing personalized guidance for coding.
Passionate and Experienced code mentor committed to empowering individuals by providing personalized guidance for coding.
  • Roles I have played so far: hands-on technical manager, project manager, mentor, expert contributor, software developer/engineer, R&D innovator, team player, educator, and servant.

  • 10+ years of industry experience developing POCs/MVPs in emerging areas such as data science, IoT, manufacturing, cloud, and edge AI.

  • Excellent collaborator with the capacity to engage team members, and sponsors, as evidenced by 20+ collaborations and trained team members.

  • Multi-industry experience in leading people (team size of 6 – 15+), managing cross-team (and cross-functional) projects across full R&D Lifecycle (SDLC); experience in leading teams of scientists, engineers, and managers.

  • Initiated, planned, executed, and managed successful collaboration projects (scientific and business) in the US and worldwide, resulting in a total of $1.2M joint in grant funding.

  • Proven track record of both verbal and written communication skills, as evidenced by 40+ scientific publications (2000+ citations, h-index: 20), patent, 20+ presentations, 2 highly prestigious international fellowships.

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (-04:00)
Joined June 2023
10 years experience
I have extensive experience in Python programming, having worked with the language for several years. I am proficient in Python and have...
I have extensive experience in Python programming, having worked with the language for several years. I am proficient in Python and have a strong understanding of its syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. Throughout my career, I have developed numerous applications using Python, ranging from small scripts to large-scale projects. I have a deep knowledge of popular Python frameworks such as Django and Flask, which I have utilized to build robust web applications. In addition to web development, I have experience in data analysis and manipulation using Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. I have leveraged Python's machine learning capabilities by implementing algorithms and models using libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow. As part of my Python expertise, I have also worked with databases, utilizing tools like SQLAlchemy and integrating them into my applications. I am experienced in creating automated tests and ensuring code quality using Python testing frameworks like pytest. My proficiency extends to web scraping and automation using Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and Selenium. I have actively contributed to open-source projects and have a solid understanding of collaborative development workflows using tools like Git and GitHub. Throughout my Python journey, I have continuously expanded my knowledge by staying up to date with the latest trends and attending relevant conferences and workshops. I have a passion for teaching and have conducted workshops and training sessions to share my expertise in Python and related technologies with others. I am comfortable working in both Linux and Windows environments, utilizing Python to develop cross-platform applications. I have integrated Python with other technologies such as SQL databases, RESTful APIs, and cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. My experience in Python extends beyond development, as I have also deployed applications to production environments and managed their maintenance and scalability.
10 years experience
My experience with AWS Lambda has been remarkable, as it allowed me to build serverless applications effortlessly by executing my code in...
My experience with AWS Lambda has been remarkable, as it allowed me to build serverless applications effortlessly by executing my code in response to various events. Working with AWS DynamoDB has been a seamless experience, enabling me to create highly scalable and low-latency NoSQL databases for my applications. AWS S3 has been an invaluable asset in my data storage and retrieval needs. Its reliability and virtually unlimited scalability have made it the perfect choice for storing and managing my files and objects. Leveraging AWS Lambda, I was able to develop efficient and cost-effective microservices that automatically scale to handle incoming requests, providing optimal performance. With AWS DynamoDB's flexible data model and automatic scaling capabilities, I successfully built applications that can handle massive workloads without compromising on speed or performance. The simplicity and ease of use of AWS S3 allowed me to seamlessly store and retrieve files of any size, providing reliable and durable storage for my applications. I found AWS Lambda's integration with other AWS services to be incredibly powerful, allowing me to create event-driven architectures and build complex workflows effortlessly. AWS DynamoDB's seamless replication across multiple availability zones ensured high availability and durability for my data, providing an excellent foundation for my applications. AWS S3's versioning and lifecycle management features provided me with granular control over my stored objects, enabling efficient data management and cost optimization. Working with AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, and AWS S3 together provided me with a comprehensive serverless ecosystem, empowering me to develop robust, scalable, and cost-effective applications.
13 years experience
As an avid explorer of IoT technologies, I've had the opportunity to work extensively with AWS IoT, leveraging its robust platform to bui...
As an avid explorer of IoT technologies, I've had the opportunity to work extensively with AWS IoT, leveraging its robust platform to build scalable and secure IoT solutions. Through my hands-on experience with AWS Greengrass, I've witnessed the power of edge computing, enabling devices to process data locally and make real-time decisions, leading to improved efficiency and reduced latency. Being deeply involved in IoT projects, I've gained valuable insights into device connectivity protocols such as MQTT and HTTP(s), allowing me to establish reliable and efficient communication channels between IoT devices and the cloud. With my knowledge of IoT security best practices, including device authentication, encryption, and access control, I've successfully implemented end-to-end security measures to safeguard IoT deployments and protect sensitive data. Through my experience in developing IoT applications, I've harnessed the potential of sensor data collection, real-time analytics, and machine learning to derive meaningful insights and drive informed decision-making. Working with IoT gateways, I've connected diverse devices and protocols, bridging the gap between legacy systems and modern IoT architectures, resulting in seamless interoperability and data exchange. Utilizing cloud-based IoT platforms, such as AWS IoT Core, I've orchestrated complex IoT deployments, managing device registration, data ingestion, and device shadowing to enable centralized control and monitoring. My experience with IoT deployment and management tools, including AWS IoT Device Management, has allowed me to efficiently provision, monitor, and update large-scale IoT device fleets, ensuring optimal performance and scalability. With a focus on optimizing IoT solutions, I've leveraged AWS IoT Analytics to uncover patterns, anomalies, and trends in IoT data, enabling predictive maintenance, resource optimization, and enhanced operational efficiency. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I've successfully integrated IoT systems with existing enterprise applications and workflows, bridging the gap between physical and digital realms and unlocking new business opportunities. My experience with the Internet of Things and related technologies has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the entire IoT ecosystem, empowering me to design, develop, and deploy innovative IoT solutions that drive digital transformation.
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7 years experience
I have extensive experience in AWS CloudFormation, having worked with the service for several years. I am proficient in creating infrast...
I have extensive experience in AWS CloudFormation, having worked with the service for several years. I am proficient in creating infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation templates to provision and manage AWS resources. Throughout my career, I have developed and maintained complex CloudFormation templates to deploy and manage scalable and resilient infrastructure in AWS. I have a deep understanding of CloudFormation's JSON and YAML syntax and its various resource types, mappings, conditions, and outputs. I have successfully designed and implemented CloudFormation stacks for a wide range of AWS services, including EC2 instances, VPCs, S3 buckets, RDS databases, and more. I am experienced in using CloudFormation features such as parameters, mappings, and conditions to create dynamic and reusable templates. I have implemented best practices for organizing CloudFormation templates, using nested stacks, and leveraging AWS CloudFormation StackSets for multi-account and multi-region deployments. I have integrated CloudFormation with other AWS services such as AWS Lambda, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create comprehensive and secure infrastructure deployments. I am familiar with CloudFormation change sets and the update process, allowing me to make controlled modifications to existing stacks while minimizing downtime. I have implemented infrastructure automation using AWS CloudFormation in combination with other DevOps tools such as AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeCommit. I am skilled in troubleshooting CloudFormation stack creation and update issues, including resolving dependency errors, troubleshooting resource failures, and handling rollback scenarios. I have utilized CloudFormation stack policies to enforce security and compliance requirements, ensuring controlled updates and preventing unauthorized changes. I am experienced in using CloudFormation outputs to provide essential information about the deployed infrastructure, making it easily accessible to other services or team members. I have incorporated AWS CloudFormation into CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated infrastructure deployments as part of a continuous integration and delivery workflow. My experience with CloudFormation extends to managing stack lifecycle events, stack drift detection, and integrating with AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and logging purposes.
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4 years experience
On GitLab, I successfully collaborated with my team, managing and versioning our code repositories, and leveraging the platform's powerfu...
On GitLab, I successfully collaborated with my team, managing and versioning our code repositories, and leveraging the platform's powerful features for continuous integration and deployment. GitHub provided me with a seamless and intuitive experience for hosting and sharing my projects, where I effortlessly managed my repositories, collaborated with other developers, and tracked issues and pull requests. Using CloudFormation, I efficiently automated the infrastructure provisioning process, creating and managing AWS resources with ease. This allowed me to easily scale and maintain my cloud-based applications. Jira empowered me to effectively track and manage project tasks, issues, and workflows. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, I streamlined project management, enabling better collaboration and efficient delivery. Docker revolutionized my development process by enabling containerization of my applications. I leveraged its robust ecosystem to build, deploy, and scale applications consistently across different environments, ensuring portability and ease of deployment. Through GitLab, I utilized its built-in CI/CD capabilities to automate my software development lifecycle, from building and testing to deploying applications. This streamlined my workflow and enhanced productivity, resulting in faster delivery of high-quality software. GitHub's extensive integration ecosystem allowed me to seamlessly connect with various development tools, such as code linters, testing frameworks, and issue trackers. This integration enhanced my development experience by providing a comprehensive and connected environment. CloudFormation empowered me to adopt infrastructure-as-code principles, enabling me to define and manage my AWS resources programmatically. This approach simplified infrastructure provisioning, increased reproducibility, and facilitated efficient resource management. With Jira's powerful agile project management features, I effectively planned, tracked, and prioritized tasks, enabling efficient collaboration within my development team. The customizable workflows and boards provided a clear visual representation of project progress. Docker's containerization technology simplified my application deployments by ensuring consistent environments across different systems. With Docker, I easily packaged my applications and their dependencies, enabling hassle-free deployment and minimizing compatibility issues.


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Engineering Lead
Bolt Data
- Lead software development using Python and AWS cloud services. – Collaborate with team members to design, implement, and maintain sc...
- Lead software development using Python and AWS cloud services. – Collaborate with team members to design, implement, and maintain scalable and secure software solutions. – Utilize agile development methodologies and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices to improve software development processes. – Work with data storage and management technologies such as Amazon S3, RDS, and DynamoDB. – Implement RESTful APIs and utilized web frameworks such as Flask and FastAPI. – Implement and manage infrastructure as code using tools such as CloudFormation. – Work with DevOps tools such as Git, JIRA, and Docker to automate software development and. deployment processes. – Conduct code reviews and provide feedback to team members to ensure code quality and adherence to. best practices. – Maintain documentation for software systems, including architectural diagrams, technical specifications, and user manuals
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Internet of things
AWS Lambda
Infrastructure as Code
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
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Senior Technology Development Manager
University of South Carolina
I led 3 R&D teams responsible for creating new technology solutions, with funding from NSF, SCRA, and other US organizations and industr...
I led 3 R&D teams responsible for creating new technology solutions, with funding from NSF, SCRA, and other US organizations and industries, and in collaboration with universities and small business partners. - Managed multiple cross-functional engineering teams (consisting of 5-8 software engineers, 2 data engineers/scientists, 3 interns, and 2 tech managers) to meet aggressive timelines in a fast-paced environment. - Led development efforts of APIs that perform large-scale data-driven analyzes and develop recommendations to guide decision-making for material planners at BMW, and helped secure over $440,000+ industrial funding. - Achieved excellent teamwork and collaboration skills demonstrated by managing multifaceted projects, resulting in the development of 5+ collaborations in the US. - Translated business needs into requirements for a technical audience, including creating user stories/wireframing, synthesizing use cases, and documenting feature overviews
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AWS (Amazon Web Services)
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Chief Software Architect
Jupyter PTY
- I was hired as a software engineer to implement an AI-based ``Intelligent edge'' module into a larger product, later I was promoted to ...
- I was hired as a software engineer to implement an AI-based ``Intelligent edge'' module into a larger product, later I was promoted to Chief Software Architect to lead the development efforts and other activities. - Led a team responsible for the development of MVPs which implement video analytics at the edge; AI module for scene detection, and text analytics; Alexa for voice interface; MobileApp and WebApp for user interaction. - Coordinated and assisted new technologies and trends to achieve the product objectives, as evidenced by 4 scientific publications and demonstrations in machine learning, the Internet of Things, and computer vision. - Worked with the recruitment team for an accurate and fair selection of candidates to be employed. Conducted technical interviews of close to 30 candidates for different positions (MobileApp and WebApp developers, Backend developers, Firmware developers, and UX/UI designers).
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Full Stack
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