Santosh Sapkota

Santosh Sapkota

Rising Codementor
For every 15 mins
Web Developer at Ben Ong
Web Developer at Ben Ong

Excellent knowledge of web application development such as PHP, javaScript, HTML, CSS , SQL, willing to learn and strong desire share the knowledge and expertise.

London (+00:00)
Joined September 2016
8 years experience
I have excellent knowledge of PHP and its MVC framework such as Laravel and Zend.
I have excellent knowledge of PHP and its MVC framework such as Laravel and Zend.
2 years experience
I have almost 2 years of experience in Magento 1.9 and above version. I can help with any issue with Magento including custom theme devel...
I have almost 2 years of experience in Magento 1.9 and above version. I can help with any issue with Magento including custom theme development to module development.
2 years experience
I can have great knowledge of Wordpress such as theme, plugin development to any problem.
I can have great knowledge of Wordpress such as theme, plugin development to any problem.
4 years experience
Advance knowledge of CSS and html5, including Less and Sass.
Advance knowledge of CSS and html5, including Less and Sass.
4 years experience
Work with jQuery library more than 4 year, however I have started learning latest javascript framework such as Anjular Js, Ember Js, Reac...
Work with jQuery library more than 4 year, however I have started learning latest javascript framework such as Anjular Js, Ember Js, React etc.
7 years experience
I have completed many project with javascript as well as its library such as jQuery and framework Anjular js.
I have completed many project with javascript as well as its library such as jQuery and framework Anjular js.
6 years experience


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