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Top freelance ASP.NET developers available to hire

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Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Stephen Chiazor
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (3 reviews)

I am a professional, and result-driven software engineer with 10 years of experience developing and maintaining scalable and efficient solutions for large-scale enterprises. I'm passionate about helping others grow and succeed in their coding journey. Being able to guide learners through challenges, celebrate their successes, and witness their growth firsthand gives me immense satisfaction.

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Syed Ikram Shah
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (204 reviews)

A Software Engineering graduate, working on Software Applications for more than 9 years. Have worked on different platforms, i.e. Windows & Linux. Have worked on realtime applications with extensive amount of data sharing between applications that are geographically separated. Have worked on integrating different hardware with different protocols for data sharing. Have expertise in Web, Mobile & Deskop applications; technologies include C/C++, NodeJS, ActionScript, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, Python, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Bootstrap, C# WinForms, Roslyn Compiler API, ASP.NET MVC, Bash Scripts, MS Azure & Amazon AWS.

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Antonio Carlos Carvalho de Oliveira
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (72 reviews)

Antonio is a programmer with over two decades of experience in the FinTech and Telecom industries. He aspires to be a master of C#, SQL, React, NextJS Typescript. He values curiosity, resourcefulness, and honesty. His hobbies include hiking, photography, meat, driving, and exploring medieval structures

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Rizwan
Freelance ASP.NET Developer4.9 (31 reviews)

I'm a **professional software engineer** having more than **7+ years of experience** in the programming. So I'll be honored to work with you for any project you require at the lowest cost with the best quality. As a Full Stack Developer, I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from small websites to large scale enterprise applications. My expertise includes front-end technologies such as **HTML5, CSS3,Bootstrap,Material UI, JavaScript, React, and Angular** as well as back-end technologies such as **.NET Core, MVC 5 ,REST FUL API, C# and SQL server**. Additionally, I have experience in Repository pattern, cloud deployment using Azure and AWS.

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Sampath Kumar Gajawada
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (17 reviews)

I am a full-stack developer having 8 plus years of experience in developing end-to-end web applications using JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Vue, and Python. I love to teach, mentor people, and help them by achieving their milestones and challenges in web development. **I also blog more about research** and common problems faced by developers. With all these, it accelaretaes my learning curve because it gains more knowledge to me. Here are my blog profiles https://medium.com/@gajawada-sampath and https://blog.logrocket.com/author/sampathgajawada/

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Hoang Thanh Binh
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (56 reviews)

Software Developer with 5 years of professional experience in cooperate, start-ups and medium-sized software companies. Experienced in Agile software development. Familiar with DevOps principles such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Portfolio: https://github.com/bdt2019unicorn

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Bijal Soni
Freelance ASP.NET Developer

Hello There! Thank you for visiting my profile. My Name is Bijal and I am a PMP Certified Technical-Project Manager. I do development as well and my current role is to mentor the team at different levels of project development. I have 15+ years of extensive experience in .Net technologies. Also, took Angular, React, and Javascript works in hand. I can surely help you with any sort of technological question you might have for your code or the development architecture. Please feel free to get in touch. Happy Coding!

ASP.NETASP.NET MVCASP.NET Core.NETMicrosoft SQL ServerJavaScriptAngular
Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Humayun Shabbir
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (2505 reviews)

Welcome to my profile on Codementor! I'm a dedicated full-time mentor with a track record of over 3500 sessions since 2015. My journey in programming has been marked by a deep engagement with P5.js, among other technologies. My career as a software developer spans over two decades, with a strong focus on Rapid Application Development (RAD). This approach has been a cornerstone of my work, allowing me to efficiently tackle complex and large-scale projects. As an expert in Visual Basic, I bring a wealth of experience, complemented by my proficiency in C#, JavaScript, VBA, and SQL. I'm passionate about problem-solving and navigating intricate code bases. Whether you're dealing with challenges in Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, or any of the other languages I specialize in, I'm here to help you find effective and streamlined solutions. Let's work together to achieve your programming goals! I love working with: ⭐ Visual Basic ⭐ C# ⭐ JavaScript ⭐ VBA ⭐ SQL ✅ Recognitions: ------------------------- 🔹 Codementor of The Year 2018 🏆 https://twitter.com/CodementorIO/status/1076225048837586944 💎 Achievements: -------------------------- 🔹 3000+ Sessions 🔹 3 Arc/CodementorX projects

Freelance ASP.NET Developer - Guillaume Faas
Freelance ASP.NET Developer5.0 (10 reviews)

Building software has always been a passion of mine. This is still true after almost 15 years of experience in various environments and business sectors. I've never really considered it work but "problems to solve". Yes, I love puzzles or anything that requires you to turn your head around. Passion also means curiosity and hunger for knowledge. I regularly read blogs, articles, and books and practice katas by myself. Some of my favourite authors are Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) and Mark Seemann. Continuous improvement is a mindset I consider essential. If I had to pick one priority when building a product, I would choose quality. This has always been what I put first. I'm not satisfied when "It Works", it must also be done well. I always tried to improve the team I joined wherever I've been. Whether by providing experience, a fresh eye, ideas, or mentoring younger peers. About mentoring, sharing knowledge represents a key aspect of my participation in a team. I do believe that knowledge is useless if you keep it to yourself. We need to use our knowledge to teach and inspire others, the same way others have inspired us. Putting this all together, it’s quite clear I advocate Software Craftsmanship. Hearing about this ideology for the first time has been one of the biggest milestones in my career. It is the perfect match for what I consider important in terms of mindset. Since then, I’ve continuously tried to spread the ideology by sharing ideas and methodologies. Feel free to take a look at my GitHub account: https://github.com/Tr00d You'll find katas I do for fun or coaching purposes, but you'll mostly see how I code.

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How to hire a freelance ASP.NET developer on Codementor

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Frequently asked questions

ASP.NET is Microsoft’s free web framework for developing web applications and websites in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Apart from that, it also helps devs make Web APIs.

There are plenty of reasons developers use it for their web applications and websites – the chief among them being low cost, high speed, and huge language support. Plus, ASP.NET is part of the widespread Windows server environment, which doesn’t require as much configuration and setup as some competing web development platforms do.

Also, ASP.NET’s popularity means you can find tons of online resources on any relevant topic, making bug-fixing and development in general far easier.

Most freelance ASP.NET developers choose to work in this web framework because it’s just more efficient and faster than developing a website in PHP, for instance. With Ruby or PHP, the code is interpreted before it’s run – which means there’s always a small additional delay to deal with.

However, ASP.NET apps get compiled – which also takes a tiny fraction of time, but the computer only does it once. Afterward, it can be executed as many times as necessary via the .NET platform.

So, when you need something quick and scalable – ASP.NET is a great framework. Also, it’s important to note that ASP.NET is entirely open-source and free, unlike many Integrated Development Environments. You can write all the ASP.NET code you need in a free text editor – though most ASP.NET developers opt for Microsoft’s Visual Studio environment.

Furthermore, ASP.NET is an excellent choice if you need to cut down on costs. Most websites built on other IDEs require hosting servers and web app servers – but most ASP.NET projects simply use Microsoft’s Internet Information Server – IIS, which is free for all Microsoft Office versions.

If you want as much freedom in choosing databases as possible, ASP.NET is an excellent framework in that regard as well. ASP.NET apps are compatible with all the most prominent names out there – like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, MariaDB, CouchDB, and MongoDB. And except for Microsoft SQL Server, most other databases are open-source and free.

The length of a project depends on many factors, including the scope of your project and the technical complexity of it. When you post a freelance ASP.NET project request on Codementor, you’ll have the option to indicate when you’d expect the project to be completed. We suggest chatting with the interested developers to ensure both sides are on the same page. For more information on how to post a freelance ASP.NET request on Codementor, check out our article.

We don’t charge anything when you post a freelance hiring request for ASP.NET developers! You’ll have the chance to determine what the budget for your project is when you post the request. You’ll only need to pay the developer if you’re 100% satisfied with their work. Please know that Codementor charges a small service fee when a developer completes the job.

In general, an ASP.NET developer writes clean code, designs app solutions, and improves the functionality of web applications. An experienced developer must show decent problem-solving skills, high coding proficiency, and excellent time-management skills.

In practice, that usually means hiring candidates with relevant degrees in information technology, computer science, or any similar fields. Naturally, previous experience as an ASP.NET developer is essential, as is a deep knowledge of .NET languages – like .NET, VB, and C++.

On top of this, familiarity with SQL servers is a plus, as is a keen eye for detail. Strong communication skills are generally a boon when it comes to soft skills.

We do a comprehensive technical and communications screen of all ASP.NET developers at Codementor. Our network includes book authors, popular open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users and engineers at top tech companies. In addition, to continually ensure the quality of our freelancers, we regularly check in on existing ASP.NET developers’ user satisfaction rates.

If you’re filtering freelance ASP.NET developers, you want to know whether they’re dependable freelancers ready to commit to your project – and whether they have enough experience with ASP.NET and other relevant frameworks and languages.

With that in mind, here are some basic questions to ask ASP.NET candidates:

  • Explain the difference between the machine config and the web config in ASP.NET.
  • Explain validators in ASP.NET.
  • What do you know about ASP.NET state management?
  • Can you give a few examples of ASP.NET web controls?
  • How long have you been working freelance?
  • How many clients are you working for at the moment?
  • How much time can you dedicate to our project?

As a platform, we strive to ensure you’re always happy with your ASP.NET project’s results. If you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can choose to get a refund for the project. Additionally, you can contact our support team should you need any further assistance with your project.

For more answers to frequently asked questions, see here.

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