Plagiarism checker website

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neil jiohuneil jiohu

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Have anyone completed this project I'm too stressed up and not getting the perfect output !!

Charles Yusuf Charles Yusuf

Does the evaluation metric matter? basically, I implemented two algorithms for checking plagiarism, but they perform differently. At this point, I am confused as to which is better. On some text, one does well, and the other does well on another.

Gareth Dwyer Gareth Dwyer

text comparison is hard, so this is expected. If you find one that usually performs better for your use case then use that. Otherwise maybe implement several so the user can see if any of them flag plagiarism and then do a manual check.

Charles Yusuf Charles Yusuf

Thanks for your reply. Since it's a web application, I don't think users get to choose what algorithm works better. They just want to upload a document and get results.
But my algorithm works well (for small tests), but when I plug it into the whole application, it fails for query document with high plagiarism (more like False Negative) and "okay" for query document with lower plagiarism (True Positive)...

James UgbanuJames Ugbanu

WOW! I think automation is one area I am very much interested in and would like to part of this.

Charles Yusuf Charles Yusuf

This idea will be a true test and improvement of programming skills. I would so much appreciate myself once I pull this through


Amazing idea! It would be really fun to build this.

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